Wed, Mar 09
|Evolutionary Minded Wellness
When we walk in a room and turn on the light, the darkness no longer exists. On Thursday evening, through meditation, let's connect to our hearts and through Love, shine light on the darkness so it has no ability to exist.

Time & Location
Mar 09, 2022, 7:00 PM EST – Mar 16, 2022, 8:00 PM EDT
Evolutionary Minded Wellness, 203 Butler St, Pittsburgh, PA 15223, USA
About the Event
What is happening in Ukraine is tragic, that is an awareness that we have. But, by sending our fear towards it, we are as guilty as those causing the fear, although we may not be aware of it. Fear is a tool the darkness uses to gain control. Fear is the energy it feeds off of.
Fear however, cannot stand up to Love. Love drains the energy of the darkness, leaving it weak and powerless.
We cannot help the Ukraine by sending worry and fear towards their situation, but we can gather together in Love, connecting to our heart centers and raising our own vibration to send Peace to the Ukraine, to our own homes, to our neighborhood, to our state, to our country, and to our planet.
Join me in a Peace Mediation, Wednesday's at 7pm.
The meditation is free.
The more people that we can get together to meditate and send peace, the more powerful it will be. This is too important to sit back and watch the television in helpless horror. Turn off the fear mongering talking heads and show up. We will do this together. The time commitment is 1 hour.
It’s regular people like you and me who are stepping forward to stand up and make change happen. Starting with ourselves and expanding it to the world. We are not separate, what is happening in the world right now, is happening to all of us. We are experiencing a loss of freedom in the hands of madmen, in love with power. WE are more powerful than you think.
My friends, it is not the leader of any country in the world that is going to deliver us.
It is you!
It is me!
It is all of us together in Unity, raising the vibration of the planet to peace, love and joy.
What are we waiting for? THE TIME IS NOW!!!
I will see you on Wednesday!